Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 56, 12.15.08

Big news today... Evelyn is coming home tomorrow! I went to visit Evelyn this morning for her 9 AM feeding and the nurse practitioner turns to me and says - with a straight face - "Well, she's going home tomorrow." Of course my reaction was "Seriously?" Up until this point, we were all thinking Christmas was being hopeful. So it was quite a shock to be told just 24 hours in advance.

Of course we are happy and excited, but a little anxious too. Tomorrow is also my first day back to work after being on leave this whole time. Unfortunately, being on bedrest ate up most of my FMLA leave and I actually had to request an additional 3 weeks off to make it to this point. So please make sure to keep Roger in your prayers as he will certainly have his hands full this week.

Also wanted to give a heads up that we will be retreating into our cave for awhile as Evelyn can't "come out and play" yet. We've been told to basically keep her home until at least a month after her due date (Jan 20), and to limit visitors. No trips to the grocery store, no church, no other excursions. Basically, she's allowed to go to her pediatrician and back. Of course this will make things difficult for Roger and the girls, but we are so excited to have her home with us. We will plan an open house once Evelyn is able to have visitors.

Having said that, if you live nearby and happen to have an extra casserole or make too much food some night for dinner, we would certainly accept that. ;-)
It's been awhile since I updated the blog, so you may have noticed from the picture above that Evelyn no longer has her feeding tube. That was taken out a couple days ago and she continues to do great on her bottle feedings. Evelyn is up to 2,580 grams or 5 lbs 11 oz. What a chunker!


Hugs said...

Whooo hooo!! She is such a beautiful early Christmas present.

Linda said...

Yippee she is coming home, what a wonderful Christmas gift
Love, Linda and Kenneth Reed

Anonymous said...

Dear Ones.....God's continued love and care has brought about this precious miracle - Evelyn. And of course, her beautiful, beautiful, two sisters.

Be assured of our continued prayers.

Steve and Candy

Lisa said...

So glad she made it home!! Hope all is gowing well and Miss Evelyn is adjusting to life at home. I hope that her Santa picture turned out great. Please email me with updates when you can.

Good luck and i will keep checking for updates

Nurse Lisa:) Go Wildcats!