Sunday, November 23, 2008

Day 34, 11.23.08

Big news today is that Evelyn is off the nasal cannula and doing great! Look at her pretty face! They took her off this morning and she is handling this change really well. In fact, she's probably doing better than she was before. For whatever reason, she is maintaining her oxygen saturation better without the nasal cannula. One theory is that the cannula was introducing air to her stomach which was causing her to have more reflux. More reflux lead to more "spells." Without the cannula, she is having less reflux so is more comfortable and having less "spells."

At yesterday's weigh-in, she tipped the scales at exactly 4 lbs. Today she continues to gain and weighed in at 1855 grams, or 4 lbs 1 oz. What a big girl! So big that they have to continue to increase her feeds. She is up to 37 cc's/feeding. They also measured her last night and she is now 15.5 inches tall/long.

Roger is now getting "concerned" that Evelyn may come home earlier that we had originally expecting. Maybe Christmas isn't such a far fetched idea!?! Thankfully we already have the typical baby stuff. I guess we should stock up on diapers soon.

Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers. Clearly it's helping. Just look at how she's growing!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy 1 month, it has gone so fast...well at least here on the outside is has.
Glad to see she is doing so well, it's so exciting.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. :)

Derek and Christy Moore said...

We're soooo proud of Evelyn. She is determined to come home from that hospital! That is great news that she's doing so well.

Anonymous said...

She looks positively HUGE and beautiful! How wonderfully she is doing. We continue to think about you guys and hope Evelyn comes home soon. (PS I donated breastmilk to the Denver Milk bank years ago now... they do GREAT work.)

Thinking of you,
Cousin Raquel & family