Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 15, 11.04.08

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Evelyn is now 2 weeks old. Although they measure her development as if she was still in the womb, so she is really only supposed to be 29 weeks gestation.

Evelyn keeps growing. She is now up to 1,075 grams (2 lbs, 6 oz). She is also off the CPAP breathing machine again and back on the nasal cannula and doing great!

Evelyn's giving a high five to everyone!


World's Current Updates said...
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Anonymous said...

I removed the above post because it was some kind of spam trying to sell something. Weird.


Anonymous said...

Hi all, we are pulling for Evelyn & cheered by the progress everyday. We're tracking her weight and breathing and thrilled by her progress. You go girl! Hang in there- wish we could help!
-Raquel, Tim, Porter & Camden