Evelyn no longer has an IV! She is currently getting 16 cc's/3 hours so she is getting enough calories from milk that they don't need to supplement through the IV. They consider 20 cc's/3 hours as a full-feed schedule, so she's nearly there. They are increasing her feeds by 1 cc every 9 hours until they reach 20 cc's. Then they will continue to increase her feedings based on her weight.
The only other update for today is that they are considering putting her on a ventilator because she is continuing to have more breathing episodes than they would like - even on the CPAP. Roger was there with the doctors today and they are going to run some blood and urine tests to check for infection. Infection could be causing some of these increased episodes, or it could just be the way she is. We'll know more when they get all of the results back. While Roger was still at the hospital this afternoon, the results from the blood gas test came back and showed that Evelyn is doing great with her oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange and the pH is normal, so that's good. Now we're just waiting on the blood cultures to check for infection, but that will take a couple days.
I have to keep reminding myself that she is just 28 weeks gestation (full-term babies are 40 weeks). So she is doing remarkably well considering all of the challenges she's had/having to overcome.
Several people have been wanting an update on me (Colette) and I guess I never thought about it - but thanks for asking! I'm actually doing really well. I didn't realize how badly I felt when I was pregnant and on bedrest until after I was hospitalized. A couple days after I was put on bedrest in the hospital, I received a blood transfusion (2 units) to help with my hemoglobin levels. Apparently I was loosing enough blood due to the placental abruption to affect my blood levels. After the blood transfusion, I felt much better; much more like myself.
Of course right before the c-section, I wasn't feeling well, and during surgery I received 2 more units of blood and a lot of fluids. I think my recovery from the c-section has been much like my other two (I had sections with both Rebecca and Chloe), but this time I get to sleep through the night! No middle of the night feedings and diaper changes. Perhaps the only advantage of having Evelyn in the NICU. ;-) Hey - you gotta find something to smile about...
So thanks for asking, but I'm doing really well. Still sore of course, but doing well. It's been great to be able to get up and around now. I would never wish bedrest on anyone.
Here's a picture of Roger and the girls from tonight. Rebecca and Chloe have been wanting a picture on the blog too. Some of Colette's cousins might recognize the aprons the girls are wearing from Grandma and Grandpa Johnson!
Oh - one more thing. Roger went back to the hospital late tonight and got to hold Evelyn for the first time! Sorry, no picture... But he says she is still doing really well. Sorry for such a long post tonight! You are truly dedicated if you've read this far. :-)
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