Happy New Year! It's been awhile since we updated the blog. Between Colette returning to work, the holidays, and our computer getting some virus/malware something or other, we just haven't had time. Thankfully we had everything backed-up so we didn't lose all our pictures and files. Phew!

Evelyn continues to do great! She went to the dr. for a regular check-up this past Thursday and she now weighs 8 lbs 6 oz and is 19.5 inches long! What a chunker! We're also getting excited because this coming Tuesday (01/20/09) is her original due date, and Wednesday (01/21/09) she will be 3 months old.
Just within the past week or so, Evelyn has started to act much more like a newborn baby. Meaning she is having more wakeful moments, and when she is awake, you can tell she's looking at things and processing things. Not just a blank stare.
She is really strong and is doing a good job lifting her head during tummy time and trying to push up with her arms. Evelyn continues to favor one side over the other and seems to have some tightness in her neck, so we will likely begin some physical therapy for that. We are a little more sensitive to these issues because Chloe had torticollis when she was little and ended up having to get a helmet and everything. So hopefully we can nip this in the bud and take care of it through physical therapy.
Let's see, what else has been happening... Not much! We seem to be really busy, and yet aren't doing much. ;-) Now that our computer is up and running again, we'll try to update the blog more regularly. We can't thank you all enough for all of your prayers and support. We continue to feel blessed and are just so thankful with how well Evelyn is doing.